About Discover Myoko

Discover Myoko is a locally based government licensed tour operator providing professional services in Myoko. It was founded by two long term Myoko residents who both have a long track record in the tourism industry.

Local guides

There are many local guides in the Myoko, Joetsu & Nagano area who can enhance your authentic experience and better understanding of the area, its culture and people.


Creates and guides adventure tours in Myoko, Joetsu, and the northern Nagano area based on the experience in providing original tour services to various independent travelers, including VIPs, educational programs, hikers, and cyclists for more than 10 years.

- National Government Licensed Guide-Interpreter
- National Certified Domestic Travel Service Supervisor
- Go Nagano Recommended Outdoor Interpreter Guide
- WAFA(Wilderness Advanced First Aid) Certified
– Leave No Trace Japan Level 1 Instructor



After 4 years of traveling & living in 30+ countries, Satoki fell in love with beautiful Myoko area, which has been his base for 4 years. You can enjoy various activities with him such as mountaineering, skiing, hiking, kayaking, road biking, MTB, and forest bathing.
- STRAVA ambassador
- Nagano Pref. "Go Nagano" Recommended Outdoor Guide
- WAFA(Wilderness Advanced First Aid) Certified
- Leave No Trace Level 1 Instructor
- Completed Viristar Risk Management for Outdoor Programs


A local resident of 20 years with great local knowledge. Working as a tour director all over Japan. A big fan of hiking and nature walks and explore the local countryside on foot and bike.



A veteran guide born and raised in Joetsu, and worked for Joetsu City for 40 years. With a deep knowledge of local culture and history and love and passion for his hometown and the surrounding area, Kei can make your experience very special and personal.
His guiding service can stretch to Niigata city, Kanazawa, Toyama, etc.

- National Government Licensed Guide-Interpreter
- President of Niigata Guide-Interpreter Association

上越のまちあるきならお任せください! 新潟県通訳案内士協会会長でもあり、VIP対応やビジネスシーンでのご案内も可能です。

Masa & Keiko

The third generation owner & chef of Seizanso in Joetsu, which has been in business for about 60 years. Having been trained at a long-established ryotei restaurant in Kyoto and using seasonal ingredients from Niigata, Masa & Keiko will help you cook and enjoy truly authentic Japanese and local dishes through our tailored cooking class.



Joetsu City resident with a passion for traveling (explored over 20 countries!) and introducing her hometown to people from all over the world. Nanase is also an experienced cyclist who organizes cycling events in the Myoko and Joetsu area. Let's discover the beauty of this region with Nanase!

出生於新潟縣上越市。 熱愛一個人旅行,足跡遍布全球20多個國家。除了旅行,我也喜歡騎腳踏車,並且在上越、妙高地區舉辦自行車活動。歡迎大家一起來探索妙高、上越地區!


Koichi fell in love with the nature of Myoko and moved here in 2016.
As a professional trekking and ski guide as well as an interpreter guide, Koichi shows his guests the deep insight of what the area has to offer in a safe and fun way.
Let’s explore the hidden gems of Japan together!

-Japan Mountain Guide Association Trekking Guide II, Ski Guide I
-National Government Licensed Guide-Interpreter
-JAN Avalanche Operation Level 1
-WAFA(Wilderness Advanced First Aid) Certified
–Leave No Trace Japan Level 1 Instructor



Masayo, who loves living in Togakushi for its unique history and beautiful nature, offers one-of-a-kind tours of the best spots in each of the four seasons, as well as hidden treasures and stories that only local guides can provide.

- Japan Mountain Guide Association Trekking Guide II, International Mountain Leader
- Nagano Pref. "Go Nagano" Recommended Outdoor Guide
- WAFA(Wilderness Advanced First Aid) Certified
- Leave No Trace Level 1 Instructor
- JMGA 登山ガイドⅡ
- 信州登山案内人


Get in touch

Get in touch with us to request a custom tour or to ask us about any of our provided tours and activities.